German Segway Polo Bundesliga 2019
To the German “Segway Polo Bundesliga 2019”-site goes here

‘Sun, Surf, Sand and Segway Polo in Barbados. Come and play with the World Champions!’ Segway Polo in Paradise.
What: Segway Polo Mix-In
Where: UWI Hockey Turf, Cave Hill Campus, Barbados
When: Usually late April/early May
Why: To have fun and bring together the Segway Polo Community
Teams: Participating players are ranked and pooled, and a draw is conducted to form each team. 6-10 teams with 4-5 players each.
Organiser: Segway Polo Club of Barbados ([email protected])
Segway Polo in Paradise took place in 2014 and 2016. Future dates to be announced…!barbados-cup-2014/glnz8!barbados-cup-2016/rxipt

Zurich Cup
What: 4-A-Side Segway Polo, played indoors on one pitch over two days
Where: Hennef, Germany
When: Usually late Autumn
Why: To keep having fun…
Teams: Teams of four play
Organizer: Funky Move Turtles
Future dates to be announced…

Warwick Winter Tournament
What: Two day Segway Polo friendly tournament, played on two AstroTurf pitches. Coincides with the UK Monthly League.
Where: Warwick, UK
When: Usually November
Why: To continue playing Segway Polo in a semi-competitive environment. A Club gathering takes place on the Saturday evening.
Teams: Open to all teams of five
Organiser: Warwick Segway Polo Club
The Warwick Winter Tournament was established in 2015 and takes place annually.

St Nikolaus Tournier
What: One day 3-a-side Segway Polo mix-in, played on 4 small indoor pitches. Open to a maximum of 40 players.
Where: Solingen, Germany
When: Usually December
Why: To keep having more fun…and gathering one last time for Christmas. Evening meal takes place altogether in the restaurant by an open fire.
Teams: Participating players are drawn from a hat, they are not ranked. Organiser: Michael Glabisch of Blade Pirates
St Nikolaus Tournier was established in 2008 and takes place annually. 2016 will be it’s 8th year.