Most of the Segway Polo tournaments have switched from traditional grass fields to synthetic, otherwise known as AstroTurf, fields. AstroTurf provides a smoother more level surface which can aid in safety for the players. Practicing on a synthetic surfaces might give your team an edge when playing in tournaments. Enabling your team to play on such synthetic or AstroTurf pitches (or possibly grass fields) can be challenging as a typical synthetic turf soccer pitch can cost upwards of $1m or £1.5m. Considering this kind of investment and a major lack of knowledge of the Segway device, some cities will not allow Segways to use fields for feat that they might damage it.
ISPA is working with Astroturf manufacturers to ensure Segways can be certified as a ‘non damage’ device. In addition ISPA will be collecting letters of recommendation or approval from local cities, parks and recreation departments, and school districts for you to use when attempting to book fields in your area. If you have a city letter of appoval, please share it with ISPA so it can be shared with members. It is our sincere hope that one day this section of our website will not be needed as people gain a better understanding of Segways.